Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Its an amazing piece from Mr. Lupe Fiasco. This song to me is one of the many wonders from Mr. Lupe Fiasco. This song has three verses and three choruses. Each of the chorus centres on the fact that Lupe should "dumb it down" meaning that he should stop being all philosophical or educational or insightful.

I felt each of the chorus very well even the verses but his system of rapping and lyrricism was way over my league so I'd stick with the choruses.

The First chorus;
You goin' over niggas' heads Lu (Dumb it down)
means that he isn't coming to their level i.e the level of the people in the streets.
They tellin' me that they don't feel you (Dumb it down)
the hood/streets don't understand him and don't like him.
We ain't graduate from school nigga (Dumb it down)
already self explanatory
Them big words ain't cool nigga (Dumb it down)

they don't like the vocabulary in his lyricism
Yeah I heard Mean And Vicious nigga (Dumb it down)
they already heard his song Mean and Vicious (though I've not heard the song)
Make a song for the bitches nigga (Dumb it down)
he should make a song about women
We don't care about the weather nigga (Dumb it down)
already explanatory.
You'll sell more records if you (Dumb it down)
already self explanatory.

In the each of the statements the phrase "dumb it down" was repeated.

This first phrase goes to talk about what most people felt about his first album FOOD & LIQUOR. Which was critically acclaimed and showed a different side to hip hop which was more than the vulgar lyrics and booty popping since in most hip hop songs and videos.

The Second chorus;
the voice that was used by Lupe sounded like that of a white man
You've been shedding too much light Lu (Dumb it down)
You make'em wanna do right Lu (Dumb it down)
They're getting self-esteem Lu (Dumb it down)
These girls are trying to be queens Lu (Dumb it down)
They're trying to graduate from school Lu (Dumb it down)
They're starting to think that smart is cool Lu (Dumb it down)
They're trying to get up out the hood Lu (Dumb it down)
I'll tell you what you should do (Dumb it down)

This chorus was based on the fat that Lupe somehow after the release of his debut album started this NERDINESS IS COOL campaign somehow. It kind seemed okay for most hood kids to do right especially girls and leave these hoods and make something off of themselves.

the Third chorus:
this part was more of a direct confrontation to him (Lupe). It talks about him not talking about his cars but about his skateboards and other nerdy stuff. It also made fun of him being on the GQ men of the year's list in 2006. It also highlighted the fact that he dosen't do the obvious in his videos like pouring champagne on chicks and other stuffs
You putting me to sleep nigga (Dumb it down)
That's why you ain't popping in the streets nigga (Dumb it down)
You ain't winning no awards nigga (Dumb it down)
Robots and skateboards nigga? (Dumb it down)
GQ Man Of The Year G? (Dumb it down)
Shit ain't rocking over here B (Dumb it down)
Won't you talk about your cars nigga? (Dumb it down)
And what the fuck is goyard nigga (Dumb it down)
Make it rain for the chicks (Dumb it down)
Pour champagne on a bitch (Dumb it down)
What the fuck is wrong with you? (Dumb it down)
How can I get on a song with you? (Dumb it down)

The overall of this song is based on the response he got from his debut album, especially the negative response. If you haven't heard then i recommend it to me its like one of the best hip hop songs of this millennium. Though this album THE COOL was very very much underappreciated. Its better than that thing Lil' Wayne made what the fuck is it called again .......THE CARTER THREE. That was some fucking demented hip hop album and so many demented souls were bobbing their heads to and buying it. Very sad.

Take care.


  1. Saw your blog from Linda's. Nice one, please keep it up. I learnt some stuff from the article on Androgynes.

  2. thanks a lot. i hope you enjoyed it.
