i was watching some talk show at home one time and it was about infidelity. you know the usual, men trying to defend themselves and women putting and fixing the blame on the men. then a dude said but "the clothes they are making the days for women aren't even helping matters".of course i thought the dude was a complete asshole for saying that as an excuse but come to think of it, it seems the fashion industry is more interested in taking the clothes off women than putting it on them. what i mean huh?
look at most of the designers, i know they all pride themselves of the fact that they can make us drool over their creations to the point that we starve to have their items, they also are encouraging the idea of less is more in the sense of less clothes covering your body parts the more sexy you are perceived.
i do not mean to be old school or ancient but don't we for one second look at the time of our grandparents and wish we could dress like those women- where they wore seductive looking but yet covering clothes and still the men wanted more. the reason the men wanted more was because they were tastefully dressed with a lot of class revealing a little but the right amount of skin which kept the men interested as in the thought of "i think there's more from where that came from". 'that' being the little skin displayed. this skin could be a little bit of a litttle cleavage, legs, neck, collar bones name it but rightfully done.
but now what i see are breasts not cleavages, dressed that grab the asses and do not get me started on the transparent crap they branded with the name 'fishnets'. everybody on the street is trying to look like the very same commercial sex workers they condemn and think they are better than and to think of celebrities aren't helping matters with their sense of style because these are the very same people we copy. i am 20 and i have friends who look up to rihanna for style tips from hair to clothes. to me i think her present haircut is amazing but her outfits are no different from the prostitutes that stay under the bridge at rumuola by night the only difference is the price tag and to me that is rather appalling.
oh how i wish we could go back to those days. its like the fashion industry is saying that men should look over fully clothed and women....oh well if you have a rag that can go round your body as long as your nipples and vagina are covered then you're okay.......argh we desperately need a change and i mean now.
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